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CampusESP Account Management: how our team is an extension of your team

Before I worked for CampusESP, I was a customer. I oversaw Parent & Family Programs at Auburn University.

Like many of our users, I was an office of one, managing over 30,000 families. It took hours to create a blanket newsletter, and I was going through that time-consuming process every other week. The thought of scaling was such a pipe dream – I knew that there was more I could be doing to help families help their students, but with limited time and resources, my back was in a corner.

Enter CampusESP.

Auburn was customer #5, and in what felt like overnight, I was able to increase my capacity tenfold. Suddenly parents had automated, personalized newsletters that truly helped them advise their students with the right information at the right time.

But the support did not stop there. During my time as a customer, I worked with a Customer Success Manager to review data, manage trends, and bring department goals to life.

At CampusESP we truly believe that ensuring our customer’s success is critical, and we doubled-down on those efforts in January 2022 with the creation of the Account Management Team. With Customer Success focused on onboarding new customers and training them to use the platform, you can think of Account Managers as the strategists behind the scenes making sure that you are fully maximizing your investment in CampusESP. 

Our small but mighty team has a combined 75 years of higher education and education technology experience. We have each been a practitioner on a college campus, so we know the challenges you face firsthand.

We know you have big goals but often limited resources. Consider your Account Manager an extra staff member, ready to help you hone and expand your family engagement strategy. Here’s how we help:

1:1 Strategy: Connect your department and institutional goals to the platform.

In your position, you likely wear 30 hats, and overseeing CampusESP is just one of your several responsibilities. Think of your Account Manager as a teammate to help you utilize your platform to meet departmental goals. 

Many schools connect with their Account Manager monthly or semesterly to ensure that they are maximizing their system and staying on track to meet their seasonal goals. Not sure where we can best help you? The monthly engagement reports you receive show your high-level platform stats and progress. Set up a 1:1 call with your Account Manager to review the data and create a game plan to ensure you reach your goals.

Year-in-Review Calls and Renewals: Understand what is working and areas of improvement with tangible takeaways.

All CampusESP agreements are annual. We want to make sure that the platform is working for you.

To help you show ROI to campus stakeholders, your Account Manager will lead a year-in-review call where they dig deeper into platform stats from the previous year and connect them to your goals. Personalized recommendations are covered on each call to ensure you are aware of the many platform enhancements that happen throughout the year, as well as tips and tricks to gain further reach through your system.

This call is a great opportunity to hit the reset button if the data points are not where you would like for them to be, or to celebrate major wins and milestones for your department.

Platform Expansion: Not only can Account Management be an extension of your team, we can also help extend your platform.

If you are seeing success with engaging families in your respective area, we can support the full student lifecycle with CampusESP. We know that 85% of families of both prospective and current students expect WEEKLY communication.

If you are seeing success with your existing platform, we encourage you to discuss expansion opportunities with your Account Manager. If you are currently using CampusESP for Student Enrollment, adding CampusESP for Family Communication is the natural progression to continue to support your students and their families as they matriculate. If you work with current families to support student retention efforts, CampusESP for FERPA Management is a great way to enhance your communications by alerting families in make-it-or-break-it moments for their student (if the student approves). Your Account Manager will be there every step of the way to help with making the decision to expand your platform. 

No matter your role, your Account Manager is here to serve as a teammate and help you succeed and leverage families to reach those goals. 

Think a chat with your Account Manager is overdue?