Streamline FERPA with a one-stop-shop for student records.

Most FERPA processes are older than your students.
It’s time for an upgrade.

Parents want to know about their student’s progress. And helping them often requires phone calls, filing cabinets of forms, record lookups, and... headaches. Sound complicated? It doesn’t have to be.

CampusESP for FERPA Management helps you:

  • Modernize your FERPA processes

  • Inform those who need it most

  • Notify parents when records change

  • Reduce your workload

Learn how CampusESP’s family engagement platform can improve retention, efficiency & security at your institution.

Powering parent engagement for 400+ institutions


Boost student retention

Student retention is 8% higher when a parent receives regular updates on their student’s progress.


Improve data privacy

61% of parents admit to having their students’ college IDs and passwords.


Turn parents into partners

73% of parents say content from CampusESP helps them better advise their student – and informed students stay on track.


See how it works.

(Hint: It’s a lot simpler than your current process)

Parents request access

Parents request access to student academic and financial records through a digital FERPA waiver.

  • Schools have the option to define their FERPA waiver structure.

  • Parents can decide what to request.

    Students can initiate the process and submit FERPA waivers, too!

Students approve the request

Students are notified of the request. They have the choice to approve or reject permissions for requested records.

  • Students approve the request using their university single sign-on (SSO) ID and password.

  • Students can adjust FERPA waiver settings at any time.

Parents see student data

Parents can view a dashboard of student academic and financial data in CampusESP.

  • Parents are able to view student data such as unmet financial aid requirements, new holds, final grades, and new account charges.

  • Email alerts notify parents when the data changes, or when it’s time for the parent to step in and get involved.