Download the 2024 Family Engagement Report!
What do parents and families need from your college or university?
We asked. They shared. You get the inside scoop.
We surveyed 20,487 parent and family members of college students on what they want, what they're missing, and how you can better support them to support student success.
Sneak peak takeaways?
44% of families talk to their student daily — and it's higher for Black and Hispanic parents
42% of families want text messages — and only 18% of institutions offer text updates to families
67% of families want better information on financial aid — and this was before the #FAFSAfiasco...
It's the BIGGEST survey of college parent involvement in the universe (as far as we know), includes data and trends from 2020 - 2024, and most importantly...it's FREE for download.
For immediate access, please complete this form:
This research is a collaboration between the leaders in college parent engagement: