Still curious? Stick around and check out some of our latest research and case studies.
CampusESP’s annual exploratory study looks at the connection between family engagement and student retention. Our 2025 study looks at 11,442 first-time, first-year students that enrolled at ten universities in the Fall of 2023 and returned for the Fall 2024 term.
Each year we look across all the data to elevate the 5 trends in family engagement that you need to know to hone your strategy and hit your goals. Based on insights from more than 420 institutions and 15 million families, get the top takeaways to connect with families now.
When CampusESP released a generative AI content editor, UMBC slashed content creation time from one hour a day to just one hour per week – while also boosting clicks on content by 33%!
From AI-personalized content, to student enrollment report, to customer newsletters and MORE, check out the latest and greatest from CampusESP!