Melissa Greiner, VP of Marketing Melissa Greiner, VP of Marketing

How SMS campaigns for parents can improve student outcomes

Text messaging has a 98% open rate. So when you have an important message to get in front of parents, SMS should be a part of your arsenal.We recently launched our newest feature — the CampusESP SMS Module — to help teams across campus engage more with families. Join us as we chat with two of our early adopters from Salisbury University and University of the Pacific to hear what families they are hoping to reach and what messages they are sending to improve their enrollment funnels and family communications strategies.

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Melissa Greiner, VP of Marketing Melissa Greiner, VP of Marketing

Launch a virtual parent orientation that fuels student success

Parent orientation can help newly enrolled families get questions answered and feel a part of their student’s new college and community. Better yet, it can reduce summer melt and set families on a path toward student success. But between distance, cost, and COVID challenges, getting parents on campus for orientation is has been difficult.

Penn State University and Plymouth State University share how they have begun offering a virtual option for families, and how CampusESP can help.

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Melissa Greiner, VP of Marketing Melissa Greiner, VP of Marketing

Engage parents to increase yield

Personalized outreach to students is central to your enrollment marketing strategy. But are you taking the same approach with prospective parents? We dig into the data to see how Utah State University, Concordia University, St. Paul, and other institutions are using smart family communications to improve engagement and enrollment.

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

How families are changing college search

CampusESP and Ruffalo Noel Levitz sponsored the largest research study of prospective college parents - over 5,000 parents from 27 colleges and universities.

What did they say about college visits? In person or virtual?

How often do they want you to reach out? Email or text?

We brought in an expert panel to review the results and answer your questions.

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

What first year families need to know and when they need to know it

Getting ready for a new stage of learning requires, well, a lot of education. Help your incoming class and their families get set up to succeed with communications strategies that help everyone feel prepared and empowered.

During this hour-long panel discussion, we'll discuss proven family engagement and communications practices and the technologies that can help power them with student affairs pros who have put them to the test.

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

Best practices for parent COVID communication

Over the past several months, CampusESP partners have crushed the crisis communication game. We’ve gathered top best practices when it comes to managing your crisis communication strategy, and we are happy to share our tips with you!

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

Top recommendations to level up family engagement in admissions

The pandemic has changed the landscape for college admissions. In 2021, institutions must adapt to new digital engagement strategies, a new set of questions and concerns–and increasingly–the growing involvement and influence of families in student enrollment decisions.

We’ll ask the experts to weigh in, provide their perspective and take your questions,

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

Case study review: Parent influence in admissions

We recently sponsored a case study on how parent involvement has boosted student enrollment outcomes at two of our partner institutions, Angelo State University and The University of New Orleans. The results? Students with highly engaged parents are 3x more likely to enroll.

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

Q&A: College parent perceptions during a pandemic

CampusESP and Ruffalo Noel Levitz co-sponsored the largest research study of college parents - nearly 15,000 parents. We’ll unveil the results, ask the experts to weigh in, and take your questions.

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

Enrollment emergency? How parents can help

Without access to campus visits, guidance counselors, and other resources, more students will rely on parents than ever before. CampusESP can help you reach the #1 influencer of students…their parents

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Brooke Sterneck, CampusESP Director of Customer Success Brooke Sterneck, CampusESP Director of Customer Success

Build out your parent database: How to collect contact info

Looking to build a more robust parent database? Thinking about enlisting parents to volunteer, donate, mentor, or join your Association? We got you covered!

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Dave Becker, CEO Dave Becker, CEO

Crisis Communication for Families: Best Practices

COVID-19 is impacting every campus in the world. What are the best practices to keep families informed? We summarize results from over 4 million coronavirus updates and alerts sent out through CampusESP over the last 3 weeks.

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