5 surprising stats about college parent involvement

CampusESP recently released “Meet the New Digital Parent in Higher Education”.  The results validate the cultural shift occurring with parent involvement in higher education.  Parents are more involved, more connected, and have higher expectations than ever.

The analysis summarizes 1700 parent responses on parent engagement and involvement at the college level. The results are divided into 4 categories:

Communication Frequency: How frequently do parents communicate with their child?

79% of parents communicate with their student a couple times a week; 34% communicate at least once a day.

Parent Involvement with Students: How involved are parents with their child’s college journey?

OVER HALF of the parents surveyed have their student’s university ID and password.

Parent Program Effectiveness: How satisfied are parents with college parent programming?

73% of parents are interested in staying involved with their student’s college after graduation.

Parent Engagement: How would parents like to be engaged?

82% of parents would find a personalized parent portal service valuable.

Perhaps the most noteworthy result is that students getting academic advice from parents show HIGHER LEVELS of academic achievement. 

Students receiving academic advice from their parent “very often” indicate an average GPA that is 35% higher than students with no parental interaction.

The stats clearly show us that it is time to improve parent communications in higher education.

The full report is available by contacting info@CampusESP.com.


College parents interact 13 times a week with their students? One group of parents interacts even more.