Arizona State introduces CampusESP to over 101,000 parents!
The Arizona State Team celebrates their award (in 2D)
CampusESP is happy to present Arizona State University with the Q2 ESP MVP Award. ASU had one of the largest launches to date, with over 97,000 families during their initial implementation in July 2020. They have continued to grow and now have over 101,000 families in their portal!
Dr. Kellyn Johnson, Director of Family Programs, sums up ASU’s enthusiasm about the ASU Family Hub: “We are excited to communicate more intentionally with families, enhance their individual ASU experiences and provide them with the resources they need. It has been a wonderful launch and we cannot wait to see how our platform continues to grow in service to our families.”
From start to finish in 5 weeks
A view of the ASU Family Hub
Dr. Johnson and ASU have been working with families for many years but wanted a way to enhance college communication and respond to the “diverse range of interests and needs of our families.”
“The ASU Family aims to provide engagement, resources and community for families to help families support their students by recognizing that each family has different needs.”
Dr. Johnson credits ASU’s successful implementation to having a robust strategy and support from CampusESP’s implementation team. When asked to provide tips for going live quickly, Dr. Johnson stated that it is important to “determine what communities you need and how your registration will add members to each. It’s a big lift up front that makes the rest of the process really easy.”
“Individual ASU Experiences.”
ASU’s primary goal was to increase parent and family engagement, provide personalized content to an extremely diverse audience, and “enhance their individual ASU experiences.”
“The ASU Family Hub gives us the ability to not only communicate with our entire family community, but to also reach subgroups such as first year families, International families, or Families in a particular College quickly and effectively.
- Dr. Kellyn Johnson
ASU took the time to create a variety of unique communities in order to improve accessibility and communication to families of college students. Some of those communities include Mandarin & Arabic-speaking families, Family Volunteers, and Families Interested In Continuing Education & Professional Development.
Student success is family success
The feedback so far has been great. Dr. Johnson said, “family feedback has been very positive and filled with excitement. They value receiving information tailored to their interests and specific to their student.”
We are excited too.
With the launch of the ASU Family Hub, CampusESP now serves over one million parents.
We’re happy to present ASU with the CampusESP MVP Award.
Congratulations to the entire ASU Team!
Is your university interested in launching a parent portal but unsure how to get started? Speak with us today!